...and by weekend I mean month and a half.
At the beginning of the summer I said that I had nothing to do and would be completely bored, that was before I realized that I wouldn't be home at all for half of july and most of august.
gallivant #1:
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter; my parents, my friends anna and super last minute addition Mathilde and I loaded into the van for a whirlwind four day trip to Florida and back. By the end there were 1800 more miles on the van, but it was so worth it! It is the perfect place to express your true Harry Potter nerd, and I loved it. A lot.
gallivant #2:
Denver, Colorado; Mom and I embarked on our last free trip to Denver (home to many colorful houses) for my kidney study, and as always we made the most of it. This time around we hit CO Springs- Garden of the Gods, the Olympic training center, Culver's and strangely enough the nicest Goodwill I've ever seen.
gallivant #3:
Taylor Swift Speak Now tour; five friends and I watched tswizzle do her super sparkly, hair flipping thing for an amazing two and a half hours and loved every minute of it... until we got the end and realized we had never actually been more thirsty in our lives. Maybe it was because of the altitude, seeing as we were literally in the very last, highest row. But hey, we could stand up whenever we wanted and didn't have to worry about being in anyone's way.
gallivant #4:
Outerbanks, NC; the second annual Britt/Weaver beach trip took us to Southern Shores to catch some rays, waves, fish and to catch up on our reading.
gallivant #5
Wicked at the Kennedy Center; I don't think I can put it any more eloquently than it was so freaking awesome. Seriously, you can watch Defying Gravity on youtube, or listen to on your ipod, but nothing compares to seeing it in person. As my friend Tyler said, "best scene in the world of all time."
gallivant #6:
American Idols Live; as a tradition, my mom, my aunt, my cousin and I have been going to the Idol concert tour since season two (not including season nine because it kind of sucked- not you Crystal Bowersox!) I love Scotty McCreery and all, but if I hear, "I Love You This Big" one more time I might hurt someone.
After some calculations I've found that I've spent about six nights in my own bed since July 23. Now, I'm down to a week left at home, which will be consumed with cleaning, packing, making pillows, last minute hanging out, and finally painting and recovering the chair I bought in June. All in all I would say it ended up being a pretty successful summer, even if it did get of to a slow start.