Monday, July 23, 2012

repeat, repeat, repeat : ed sheeran

Ed Sheeran first caught my attention when he released his video for "Lego House" which featured Rupert Grint as a ridiculous, obsessive fan. As my friend Kara said when I told her about it, "Now I understand why you love him." It's true, I do have a special place in my heart for the miniature pig raising, ice cream truck driving ginger, so his connection to Ed certainly helped.

But what kept may attention after that was how every song on his debut album "+" is great. I am a sucker for an acoustic guitars and for the British, so the red-head was already pretty high in my book. But the album is a perfect mix of jaunt ("Gold Rush","Little Bird"), heartbreak ("U.N.I", "Small Bump"), and attitude ("You Need Me, I Don't Need You"). He's got a way with words that reminds me a little of Jason Mraz (except 50x better), he can spit them out like rapid fire but with an awesome fluidity. On the flipside there are times, such as on "Wake Me Up", when he's pretty much just talking and still manages to keep me hanging on every word. Call me a softy, but the line, "See I could do without a tan on my left hand, where my fourth finger meets my knuckle" gets me every time. His gentleness is conveyed in the former, but the he evokes such power on "Give Me Love" that it gives me chills.
Needless to say, I'm slightly obsessed with him right now. He not only writes all of his own music but also has a writing credit on One Direction's first album and has recently been writing with Taylor Swift. I am real pumped about the latter.

If you like Ed Sheeran, then check out: Tracy Chapman, Of Monsters and Men, Birdy

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