Friday, January 10, 2014

we drive until the city lights dissolve into a country sky

I've never hated winter as much as I do this year. 
Bring on summer and driving with the windows rolled down and never wearing shoes and sitting on the roof. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

erosion can't stop their being

Once upon a freshman year, I went on a roadtrip and discovered many unforeseen lands like a place called Farmville, and the road between Charlottesville and Farmville. And on this journey my traveling companions and I realized how perfect this song was for the drive we were on. And then I took this picture because the best thing that could describe how we were feeling in that moment with that song were these colors. 
Now whenever I hear this song, I see this picture in my mind and feel the warm saturation of the green and the mild gloom of the grey and the hope of the lightest blue.